Boy, if I have to hear one more debate about what black women should do with there over-politicized hair I'm going to start tearing my hair out. The reason I'm writing about this is because I saw a wonderful article over at an online mag I read frequently, Madame Noire, on The Biggest Myths About African-American Hair although Mademe Noire can be a little ridiculous with the articles this one by Veronica Wells was done especially well. It was simple, to the point, addressing misconceptions about African-American hair and telling the truth that no matter what you have kinky or curly, nappy and natural, relaxed and released all hair is good hair if you take GOOD care of it. I'd like to drill that into folks heads. I've had my hair in so many styles it's ridiculous, take a look

These are all from the last couple of years. Whew! Huh? I like to switch it up, keeps it fresh. The last picture is of my and my little brother. But see how versatile black hair is and instead of celebrating that and enjoying it and going with it, we're forever arguing over it like stupid ninnies. Maybe I'm just on the internet too much and see way too many people with way too much time on their hands and drama in their lives. But I just don't get it. It's your hair and you have to pay the cost for taking care of or not taking care of it.
I go to a professional to take care of my hair, hey she's educated on it I'm not so I trust her and she takes good care of my hair. My stylist is a white chick, I was little unsure at first but she's awesome. I like her, she's on time, and I always look fabulous when I raise up from her chair and am able to take care of my hair afterwards till I see her again. Black women's hair is a billion dollar business and we're all so anxious and freaked out about what we are presenting to the world. I have seen some women and wanted to scream 'girl, get your weave straight' or 'would you wash that stuff'. I don't care what you do to your hair but please try to look presentable in whatever state your hair is in.
I really do love my hair, it's some awesome hair. It's thick and luxurious, it grows really well, soft and shiny, my sister in law once asked me if it was weave. I had to laugh, because her child has my hair. I do struggle with my hair at times like every woman but really it's one of my best assets when I treat it right. I'm thankful to the Hair gods I got this hair, this is my grandmother's hair and she had cancer in the 1960's and did some fo' real chemo and never lost a strand, yea I got some bomb ass hair. No it's not like caucasian hair but really some white chicks got some jacked up hair and I wouldn't trade theirs for mine. People are jealous of my hair because I can do so much with it and I like that. Instead of complaining and tearing each other down about whether we should leave it natural or relax it, try getting a hobby or finding something more constructive to do. I say when people stop making mountains out of molehills, the molehills soon disappear.
But what is that you say? Everybody is talking about your black hair, family and friends are downing you for going natural, white people don't get your weave, folks are saying you're a sell out trying to look European because of your perm, well I say tell those folks to SUCK IT! It's your damn hair and if they aren't paying for it, they need to close their traps.
This issue is really a non-issue and if we just stop making out like our hair is about to save or bring down the whole social structure of the black community, maybe we could get on to more pressing matters.
You know I do love my hair and I love when Matt runs his fingers through it. For my wedding I've decided to see how long I can let it grow. I'm not big on long hair and it hasn't been long since I was in high school but I'm trying it to see what happens. And really in all of this I just want black women to take a moment and...breath. It's okay about your hair, you can be proud of whatever you have on your head whether you grew it or bought it. This is still a free country and you still have a choice in how you live your life and how you rock your hair, exercise it!
That was a good article. I just got my hair relaxed just before new year for the first time and I'm loving it. And would you believe it, I had to go to another country to get it done properly. I did not want to do it by myself the first time.
ReplyDeleteWell only 30 min away, but still :)
I wouldn't care what anyone said about my hair, except for maybe my husband, but he likes me whatever style I use.
Thanks for commenting Nkosazana. Now you know someone is missing the business opportunity of lifetime there. If you're not able to find a good salon near you, I'm sure you're not the only one. If anyone is listening they need a good stylist that knows black hair in Nkoszana's community're in Switzerland or is it Sweden, right? Make money and live in fabulous Northern Europe. If I knew how do hair, I'd be on that. LOL.
ReplyDeleteI know what you're saying. If Matt has issues with my hair, which he never does, Actually he likes it in it's fuller state, I'd maybe change it. But I just want black women to relax about the hair and whatever we decide to do with it, please just take good care it. Any hair is in trouble if you don't take good care of it.
Yep it's Sweden, I went over to Denmark cause the shops here is not that good as the danish ones. Ones in my town makes you look like a prostitute (in my eyes), I had a good one I used to go to that was run by two Senegali sisters, but sadly they moved away.
ReplyDeleteYeah I haven't spent that much time on thinking about my hair, I guess its not the same pressure as in the states.
Nkoszana, yea it is big issue over here. I know BM have a big role in it, but I'm not giving black women a pass because we continually perpetuate a lot of the anomosity about our hair amongst one another usually competing for men. Personally, I decided to not participate in the lunancy, since I don't it don't effect me.